Dolly's Dream & Adventure Awaits

Dolly's Dream & Adventure Awaits

Adventure Awaits & Caravanning with Kids partner with Dolly's Dream


"Over the years we have donated to many charities and causes, both personally and through our businesses.  We have been honoured to fundraise on many occasions on the Convoy for Charity with Caravanning with Kids & What's Up Downunder - including raising money for the National Breast Cancer Foundation & Cure Brain Cancer.

In 2022, Adventure Awaits & Caravanning with Kids have pledged to support a charity that is very close to their team & families.  

Have you heard of Dolly's Dream?

At the beginning of 2018, the country was devastated by the untimely death of 14-year-old Dolly Everett.

Dolly was the victim of relentless bullying.

Following her death, Dolly’s parents Kate and Tick and her sister Meg established Dolly’s Dream as a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves and to prevent the lives of other children being lost to bullying.

Dolly’s Dream:

  • raises awareness about the serious issue of bullying and its devastating effects
  • provides help and supports young people affected by bullying
  • educates about bullying issues and advocates for bullying laws and regulations
  • delivers information on ways to help prevent bullying and cyber bullying
  • works to change cultures and prevent bullying through a variety of educational approaches.

Donations will help raise much-needed funds for Dolly's Dream and support their anti-bullying initiatives and programs that are helping to empower and educate our community about the power of kindness and bullying prevention.

"We are no strangers to bullying here in regional Victoria, with two daughters aged 14 & 11, we are committed to speaking up, to spreading kindness & supporting Dolly's Dream the best way we can" ~ Adele, owner & mother.







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